Welcome to the G&W Blog

Launching 9 May 2024!

Are you ready to embark on a journey through insightful articles, captivating stories, and thought-provoking discussions? Look no further! Green & Wild's is your go-to destination for all things cat and dog related. 




Sooo what's it all about?

Our blog will be a treasure trove of knowledge. Join us as we delve into some fascinating subjects, and share valuable insights, plus information to help keep your pets safe and well. Whether you're seeking enrichment feeding inspiration, healthier and more natural treats and chews, activities to keep your dog occupied, or if you are looking to make more eco-conscious decisions as a pet owner, we will have something for everyone. Yay!

Stay tuned.....

Be sure to follow G&W on Facebook and Instagram and you'll never miss out on our latest posts and new blog alerts, plus there's the opportunity to connect with a whole community of like-minded pet owners!